Discover the Full Spectrum of Chinese Medicine

At TENET Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, we offer a comprehensive range of Chinese medical treatments. As the only clinic in Arkansas with a full raw herb pharmacy, we provide unique and potent healing options. Explore our diverse services, including acupuncture, cupping, electrical stimulation, and more.

Comprehensive Care for All Conditions

Chinese medicine addresses the unique underlying patterns of every ailment, making nothing untreatable. Here are some common conditions we treat:

Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Acute & chronic pain

  • Numbness & tingling

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Post-operative recovery

Gastrointestinal Distress

  • IIBS-D/C

  • Acid reflux/heartburn

  • Weight management

  • Bloating/gas


  • Fertility issues (men & women)

  • Irregular/painful periods

  • Urinary dysfunction/UTI

Mental Health

  • Anxiety & depression

  • Insomnia

  • Trauma

  • Brain fog

Infectious Disease

  • Cold & flu

  • COVID-19 & Long COVID

  • Parasites

  • Fungal diseases

Emotional/Spiritual Health

  • Eating disorders

  • Lack of purpose/fulfillment

  • Phobias

  • Persistent guilt, anger, etc.

At TENET Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, we are committed to guiding you toward optimal health and inner peace using the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine. Begin your journey to holistic healing today.

Treatments Tailored to You

Every appointment is personalized to meet your specific needs, combining various treatments to ensure the most effective and comfortable healing experience.


Experience the ancient art of acupuncture with single-use, sterile filiform needles inserted at specific points to balance qi, alleviate pain, and regulate energy flow. Our cosmetic acupuncture includes targeted facial treatments, customized facial serum, and gua sha for holistic beauty and health.

Herbal Medicine

Benefit from the only full raw herbal dispensary in Arkansas. Raw herbs offer the most potent form of herbal medicine. Our formulas, consisting of single herbs working in harmony, are tailored to address multiple imbalances for comprehensive healing.

Dietary Therapy

Food is our first medicine. We analyze your diet through food journals and create personalized diet plans to meet your health goals. Each food and cooking method affects the body differently, and we guide you in making beneficial dietary choices.

Electrical Stimulation

Also known as e-stim, this treatment involves applying milli- or micro-currents to needled acupuncture points. E-stim is effective for pain relief and a variety of other conditions, providing a gentle tapping or twitching sensation.

Lifestyle Advice

Our lifestyle recommendations are easy-to-implement changes tailored to your comfort level. Suggestions range from short walks to reducing screen time and practicing meditation, all aimed at enhancing your daily life.

Essential Oils

Utilize the concentrated essence of herbs through essential oils, which can be applied on acupuncture points, added to baths, or inhaled. Essential oils provide quick relief from stress, pain, and infections.

Cupping & Gua Sha

Ancient techniques like cupping and gua sha help clear local stagnation of qi and blood, offering relief from pain, acute illnesses, and allergies through effective myofascial release.


Experience smokeless moxibustion (moxa) to move stagnation, tonify qi, warm the channels, dry dampness, and redirect yang energy for holistic healing.

  • “Schuyler makes you feel comfortable and heard. I had horrible teeth issues and TMJD and the pain relief was instant within just one session.”

    —Lori, Patient

  • “I saw Dr. Kraus for over a year and each time I arrived with whatever was going on at the time—sleep issues, anxiety, low back pain (now non-existent)—they met me with grace, understanding, patience, and ensured true healing.”

    —Chase, Patient

  • "After a few short weeks under Dr. Kraus' care, I am sleeping more soundly & deeply than I have in years. Surprisingly, I was experiencing a low level of anxiety that I wasn't aware of until it was gone."

    —Judy, Patient