Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

At TENET Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, we treat the body as a connected whole, always striving for balance. When you are in balance, your work feels meaningful, your relationships are fulfilling, and your body works with you, not against you. You age gracefully, exercise spontaneously, and seek nourishment. This balance helps you stay patient with yourself and others, enhancing your overall health and presence in life.

Chinese medicine employs a variety of treatments, including acupuncture and herbal medicine, to achieve this harmony.

The 5 Elements of Health

Chinese Medicine views the body as an interconnected ecosystem seeking equilibrium. Our bodies, like nature, generate heat, cold, damp, wind, and dryness. Imbalances in these elements can affect various systems, so addressing one condition can often resolve seemingly unrelated issues.

At TENET Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, we focus on reestablishing and maintaining harmony among the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.

Wood | Emotional

hùn (魂)

Emotional health is your capacity to dream, plan for the future, and feel inspired. Imbalances can manifest as depression, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, PTSD, and dissociative disorders.

Fire | Spiritual

shén (神)

Spiritual health reflects your connection with yourself, others, and the world around you. Imbalances can appear as a lack of confidence, social anxiety, or difficulty with boundaries.

Earth | Mental

yì (意)

Mental health is your capacity for attention and logical reasoning. Imbalances may present as ADD/ADHD, brain fog, confusion, indecisiveness, and forgetfulness.

Metal | Physical

pò (魄)

Physical health is your level of activity and feeling of embodiment. Imbalances can show up as injuries, chronic fatigue, arthritis, unexplained pain, and digestive disturbances.

Water | Environmental

jīng zhì (精志)

Environmental health affects your genetics and epigenetics. It is measured by your capacity to manifest your will or genetic blueprint in the world. Imbalances may result from exposure to toxic chemicals or emotionally toxic situations, leading to physical or emotional health issues like endocrine disorders, infertility, or lack of willpower.