Achieving Balance & Peace Within Yourself

Meet Dr. Schuyler Kraus | Dipl. O.M., L.Ac


  • Nationally certified Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)

  • Fully licensed in Arkansas (ACU-093)

  • Doctorate of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

  • Masters of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

  • BS & BA Environmental Studies

  • BA East Asian Language & Culture, Chinese Language & Literature

  • US Navy Veteran, CTI3, Chinese Linguist

Commitment to Continuous Learning

With over 3,300 hours of training in Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as Biomedicine, Dr. Kraus is deeply committed to her practice. Her extensive training includes:

  • 310 hours of doctoral coursework in Orthopedics, Lab and Pharmaceutical Analysis, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Neurology, Endocrinology, and Cardiology.

  • Studying under Master Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist Master from the Jade Purity School, Lao Zi sect, and a 26th generation Daoist Master of the Complete Reality School, Dragon Gate sect.

Currently, Dr. Kraus is working towards a certification in Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine under Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head, ensuring she continues to bring the highest quality care to her patients.

Healing Ourselves, Healing the World

Before pursuing Chinese medicine, Dr. Kraus trained as a Chinese linguist in the US Navy, becoming fluent in Mandarin and familiar with Daoist philosophy. This training, coupled with degrees in Environmental Studies and East Asian Language & Culture, underscored the interconnectedness of individual and global health.

Dr. Kraus’s journey emphasized that personal health reverberates into the world’s health—socially, ecologically, politically, and economically. This understanding drives her mission: to help individuals achieve health and balance, thereby contributing to a healthier, more harmonious world.

“When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. A better world doesn’t depend on any one person providing solutions, but on everyone together being healthy and balanced. That’s my approach to making the world a better place.”

Living the Philosophy

Dr. Schuyler Kraus is dedicated to helping you achieve balance and peace, alleviating pain, distress, and disease along the way. With a unique blend of education, military service, and personal philosophy, Dr. Kraus brings a comprehensive and compassionate approach to Chinese medicine.

Dr. Kraus practices what she preaches. When not treating patients or studying medicine, she enjoys running trails, lifting weights, camping, brewing gongfu cha, or translating Classical Chinese texts. Her recent translation of the Dao De Jing is currently under revision for publication.

“I am passionate about helping people become the greatest versions of themselves so that together, we can manifest a better world. And if that doesn’t work… well, at least I helped you get rid of your knee pain!”